Get lost in Thailand like a local- 10 key things to do for the most authentic experience
10 minutes

Ditch the crowded tourist spots and dive into the heart of Thailand! If like me you are not a fan of just experiencing full moon party and night outs, these 10 tips will make sure you will immerse yourself in this super welcoming country, experience its breathtaking beaty and really feel like a local.

Get ready to embark on an authentic adventure that will leave you with unforgettable memories and a newfound appreciation for the wonders of Thailand. (Scroll at the bottom to save the bucket list!)

1. Elephant Sanctuaries

Visit ethical elephant sanctuaries where you can interact with and learn about these magnificent creatures in a responsible and sustainable manner. One of the most memorable experiences of my time in Thailand!

Thailand has a long history of elephant tourism, but unfortunately, many of the traditional practices have been harmful to the animals such as elephant riding. However, in recent years, there has been a growing movement towards ethical elephant tourism. These sanctuaries prioritize the well-being of the elephants, allowing them to live in a more natural environment free from the exploitation and mistreatment often found in other tourist destinations.

When you visit an ethical elephant sanctuary, you’ll have the chance to observe these incredible animals up close. You can watch them roam freely, socialize with each other, and even bathe in the rivers (or more mud, so much fun!). These sanctuaries prioritize education and conservation, allowing visitors to learn about the challenges faced by elephants in Thailand and the efforts being made to protect them.

It was amongst my most authentic and unforgettable experience ever, thus it is my number one tips for you to plan ahead or find it while slow traveling in the country.

2. Get lost in the vibrant Bangkok

Explore the vibrant capital city, Bangkok, which offers a mix of modernity and tradition.

With its hustle and bustle, Bangkok offers a unique blend of old-world charm and modern-day energy. From ancient temples that stand as testaments to the city’s rich history to bustling markets that awaken your senses with vibrant colors and mouthwatering aromas, Bangkok has something for every type of traveler.

Begin your exploration by delving into the city’s iconic temples. The Grand Palace, with its intricate design and shimmering gold, will leave you in awe of the craftsmanship and devotion that went into its creation. Take a moment to admire the Wat Arun, a temple adorned with beautifully detailed porcelain, or the Wat Pho, famous for its colossal reclining Buddha statue.

After immersing yourself in Bangkok’s spiritual side, venture into its dynamic street markets. From the sprawling Chatuchak Market, where you can find everything from handmade crafts to exotic pets, to the colorful flower market that will envelop you in a fragrant sea of blossoms, these markets offer a glimpse into the daily lives of locals and provide an opportunity to sample authentic Thai street food. To truly get a taste of Bangkok’s cultural heritage, make sure to visit its lively neighborhoods. Explore the winding canals of the Thonburi district on a long-tail boat, where you can witness the local way of life, passing by stilted houses and Buddhist temples

If just for a few hours or a day my top 3 recos are the Grand Palace, Wat Pho (Temple of the Reclining Buddha), and take a boat ride along the Chao Phraya River.

3. Relax on Thai Beaches

Once you’ve explored the vibrant capital, it’s time to experience another side of Thailand’s authentic adventure – the stunning beaches that line its pristine coast. With azure waters lapping against powdery white sands, these beaches offer the perfect setting for relaxation and tranquility.

Thailand boasts some of the world’s most beautiful beaches.

Journey south to the beautiful province of Krabi, where you’ll find a collection of secluded beaches that will transport you to a serene paradise. Railay Beach, accessible only by boat, is a hidden gem known for its towering limestone cliffs and crystal-clear waters.

If you’re seeking a beach with a vibrant atmosphere, head to Patong Beach in Phuket. Known for its lively nightlife and buzzing energy, this stretch of coastline will keep you entertained day and night.

For those looking for a more secluded and peaceful experience, the beaches of the Trang Islands are a must-visit. Koh Libong offers pristine beaches with relatively few tourists, allowing you to truly unwind in untouched natural beauty.

4. Explore Chiang Mai

This northern city is known for its rich history, temples, and beautiful landscapes.

Nestled in the mountains of northern Thailand, Chiang Mai is a city steeped in history and cultural wonders that transport you to another time. As you explore its ancient temples and walk along its narrow streets, you’ll find yourself immersed in the rich heritage of this vibrant city.

One of the most iconic landmarks in Chiang Mai is the Wat Phra That Doi Suthep, perched atop a mountain overlooking the city. Legend has it that the temple was built in the 14th century, with a relic of the Buddha enshrined within its golden chedi. Climbing up the 309 steps to reach the temple not only offers a physical challenge but also rewards you with breathtaking views of Chiang Mai and its surrounding countryside.

The city is also renowned for its annual festivals, such as the Yi Peng Lantern Festival and the Songkran Water Festival. These vibrant celebrations offer a glimpse into the traditional practices and beliefs of the Thai people, creating an immersive and unforgettable experience. Don’t miss visiting Doi Suthep Temple and exploring the Old City’s charming streets.

5. Experience Thai Cuisine

Thai food is renowned worldwide for its flavors. Thai cuisine is a tapestry of bold flavors, fragrant spices, and fresh ingredients. From the humble street food stalls to elegant fine dining establishments, Thailand offers a gastronomic journey like no other.

Try local dishes like Pad Thai, Green Curry, Som Tum (spicy papaya salad), and indulge in street food from bustling markets. So many veggie and veg options too!

And if you’re feeling adventurous, delve into the world of insects and try the crispy fried grasshoppers or the tangy ant egg salad.

6. Island Hopping

The exciting next chapter of your Thai adventure: going island hopping to explore the stunning beauty of Thailand’s tropical paradise! Thailand offers numerous beautiful islands, and island hopping to discover the unique charm of each one. Hop on a traditional long-tail boat and set sail to explore multiple islands in one trip.

As you hop from island to island, you’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture and connect with the friendly Thai people. From fishing villages to local markets, you’ll get a glimpse of everyday life in these island communities and the traditions that have been passed down through generations.Some popular options include the Phi Phi Islands, Similan Islands, and Koh Tao.

7. Attend Traditional Cultural Shows

Attend traditional cultural shows like Thai dance performances or Muay Thai (Thai boxing) matches to get a taste of Thai culture.

Immerse yourself in the vibrant colors, graceful movements, and enchanting music of Thai dance and theater. These traditional cultural shows bring to life the age-old customs and traditions that have been passed down through generations. As you witness the performers gracefully move across the stage, portraying stories from Thai folklore and history, you’ll be transported to a different time and place. The elaborate costumes, intricate hand gestures, and rhythmic melodies create an atmosphere that is both mesmerizing and captivating.

These cultural shows are not just limited to major cities or tourist hotspots. Even in the more remote areas, local communities take pride in showcasing their heritage through performances. This means that no matter where your adventure takes you in Thailand, you’ll likely have the opportunity to witness and participate in these traditional shows.

8. Go back in time at Ayutthaya

Thailand has a rich history with ancient ruins like Ayutthaya and Sukhothai, which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, offering insight into the country’s past.

A must-visit historical site is Ayutthaya, the ancient capital of the Kingdom of Siam. Once a flourishing city of temples, palaces, and bustling markets, Ayutthaya now stands as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, offering a mesmerizing blend of history and architecture. Explore the archaeological ruins, marvel at the intricate stone carvings, and imagine what life was like during the golden age of Ayutthaya.

Thailand’s historical sites aren’t limited to grand palaces and temples; they also encompass sites of significant cultural importance. One such example is the Bridge on the River Kwai in Kanchanaburi. This historic railway bridge, made famous by the novel and subsequent film of the same name, stands as a haunting reminder of the dark days of World War II. Take a moment to reflect on the bridge’s turbulent past and pay tribute to the lives lost during its construction.

9. Scuba Diving and Snorkeling

The crystal-clear waters of Thailand are perfect for scuba diving and snorkeling. Explore vibrant coral reefs and marine life in places like the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand.

Immerse yourself in a paradise of azure hues, where vibrant coral reefs and exotic marine life await your discovery. Thailand’s coastal waters are renowned for their astonishing clarity, providing an unparalleled underwater experience for divers of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned diver or a beginner taking your first plunge, Thailand’s diverse dive sites have something to offer everyone.

From the stunning Similan Islands in the Andaman Sea to the untouched beauty of Koh Tao in the Gulf of Thailand, there’s no shortage of breathtaking dive spots to explore. Descend into the depths and witness a mesmerizing world teeming with vibrant corals, graceful manta rays, curious sea turtles, and an array of colorful tropical fish. The crystal-clear waters offer unrivaled visibility, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the ethereal underwater landscapes.

10. Trekking and Adventure

If you’re an outdoor enthusiast, Thailand has several options for you.

Thailand’s landscapes are a breathtaking tapestry of lush forests, cascading waterfalls, and majestic mountains. Trekking through these picturesque settings not only rewards you with stunning views but also allows you to immerse yourself in the heart of nature. Feel the cool mist of a waterfall as you stand in awe of its power, or breathe in the aroma of wildflowers as you traverse through verdant meadows. Each step is an invitation to connect with the earth beneath your feet and the vibrant ecosystems that thrive around you.

Whether you choose a multi-day trek or a shorter day trip, there will be a trail right for you. Cross bamboo bridges suspended over rushing rivers, navigate through dense jungles, or challenge yourself on steep inclines that lead to awe-inspiring viewpoints. Each trail holds its own unique surprises and rewards, promising an unforgettable experience for every adventurer seeking to escape the tourist traps.

My favorite were the trekking in the northern hills around Chiang Mai and my first zip line experience ever!

Beyond the tourist traps, there is a world waiting to be explored. Thailand’s best-kept secrets await those who seek an authentic adventure. From ethical elephant sanctuaries to vibrant capital cities, from tranquil beaches to historical sites steeped in rich heritage, this mesmerizing country is full of possibilities. As you immerse yourself in the local culture and savor the vibrant flavors of Thai cuisine, each moment will become a cherished memory. Dive into crystal-clear waters, trek through lush landscapes, and create your own adventure. Thailand beckons you to escape the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary.


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